Teen Talking Circles

Now more than ever, our youth desperately need a safe space to share their truth, to be seen, and connected to others. Teen Talking Circles has been that sanctuary since 1993, providing vital and lifelong emotional and relational skills for youth in Bainbridge Island & Kitsap County. But this isn’t just about support—it’s a lifeline in a time of a Disconnection Crisis. Our Circles empower youth to navigate life’s challenges, fostering empathy, resiliency, and building relationships that sustain them. We can’t let this lifeline falter. With your support, we’ll expand our reach and strive to prevent any youth from ever feeling alone. We will offer more teen & family workshops, community events, and focus on training new Circle Facilitators to provide even more Circles within our communities. Together, let’s pledge to create a world where every young person feels seen, heard, and valued.

Website: www.teentalkingcircles.org
