Partner Agency Resources


Our total for the 2023-2024 campaign (which wrapped up on July 31st) hit over $2.45M! Amazing!!

Summer is definitely a quieter phase of the campaign, but we are still receiving donations regularly (especially from recurring monthly or quarterly donors). Distribution checks for donations received from January through July 2024 were mailed on August 9th. These checks also include your share of the Community Fund. Your donor data is also now available. Please see the “Donor Data” section below for instructions on how to retrieve.

Meanwhile, our 2024-25 campaign has launched as of August 1st! We are excited to welcome 6 new partner agencies to this campaign:

  • Bainbridge Island Poet Laureate Program
  • Buy Nothing Project
  • Kitsap Homes of Compassion
  • Neurodiversity Allies
  • Peaceful Morning Farm
  • West Sound Soccer Academy

Stay tuned for upcoming Red Envelope 101 seminars, Brown Bag Lunches, and other learning opportunities TBD. You can also always reach out if you have any questions or if there’s anything you need.



Lisa Timmins, Interim ED


Right-click on any images you’d like to save and use on your site or in social media.


ICON_I Gave_2015ICON_RememberUs_2015-02OCFA_LogoRGB_TM2014









Make a plan

Download a Red Envelope Planning worksheet: Red-Envelope-Plan-2023 to complete with your team (board, volunteers, staff) to make the most of your participation in the campaign this year. This is a Word document so you can edit it for your specific needs and add your own ideas.


We have buttons for your board, volunteers, staff, and donors to wear. They say “Ask me where I give!” and we hope they will help you spark conversations about what matters most to YOU — your organization.

We also have bumper magnets that say “I GIVE!” We’ll mail these out to donors if they request one. Make sure you request one when you make YOUR gift. We hope to see a lot of these around town, celebrating philanthropy!

We have small reply envelopes for you to use in mailings, in person, and at events. The best timing for use of these would be November and December (or anytime for off-island donors). Give me a call or email if you’d like some!

Keep us informed

We’re genuinely interested in the good work you’re doing, and the more we know about it, the more we can do for you. Tell us stories about what’s going on with your agency, invite us to events or for a quick site visit, or just email if you want to share some news or ask for help.

We periodically organize Brown Bag Lunches at the Marge Williams Center (or often on Zoom). These are casual events where volunteers and staff of OCFA partner agencies can connect and share resources relevant to nonprofits on Bainbridge. Dates and topics are announced via listserv.

Your Board

Board members are KEY to success in the Red Envelope Campaign. We are happy to have a OCFA ambassador visit your board meeting to talk about this. Please put One Call for All on your board agenda for October, and include this Board To-do list. Give everyone an “Ask me where I give!” button and encourage them to start conversations with friends, neighbors, and colleagues.

Yard Signs

If you have a OCFA yard sign, place it where you work, where you live, at your nonprofit, at a place of business, or anywhere else you think it would help make the campaign more visible. You can return these at the end of the active phase of the campaign, keep them year round, or store them to use again. If you don’t already have one, let me know. Feel free to stagger your use of them throughout the campaign season.

If you have events of any kind (program events, concerts, fundraising events, volunteer events, etc.) bring a sign so that it helps people remember to give. Hopefully it will end up in photos, as well.

Paid ads

In the past, many of you have (wisely) purchased ads in the Bainbridge Review special insert section, which will be sent out the last Friday in October. There is also Bainbridge Island Magazine, the video ads on the ferry, and the Islander (published by the Kitsap Sun).

QR Codes

Email us if you’d like us to create a QR code for a flyer, poster, or display for you. This is a great opportunity for touch-free, covid-safe fundraising in person. When someone points their smartphone camera at a QR code, they’ll  be automatically connected to your organization’s unique URL, making an online donation on the spot super quick and easy. This is a good option if you are approached by supporters or volunteers who offer to hold a fundraising event to benefit your organization… they can do this on their own and it’s so low-maintenance!


Be sure to remind people to give to you through OCFA if you’re emailing your supporters. You can use the OCFA logo, Give! icon, or “Remember Us!” icon in any html-created email newsletters or just include a link to  if you’re sending an unformatted message. If you’re using a direct link, please see below for your organization’s unique URL.

Printed materials
Be sure to include the One Call for All logo on all printed materials that you send out, including brochures, fundraising campaigns, flyers, posters, event invitation, or annual reports, especially during Q4 (Oct/Nov/Dec) to highlight year-end giving.

On your organization’s website

Please include the One Call for All or Red Envelope “Give!” logo, above, linked to your unique URL on our site. You can also use your own “Donate” button. For your organization’s unique URL, find your organization on our website by clicking on our Non-Profit Directory:   Click on your organization’s name, and then click on “Donate Now.” The page that you see is your unique URL.

If you have a blog, post a story about how One Call for All funds have helped those served by your agency, and link to or your agency’s unique URL.

You may also use the “Remember Us” or “Give!” social media icons. They can be sized to fit other social media icons, so that you can put the red “Give!” button right next to the square Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram buttons.

Social media

1. Be sure to like “One Call for All” on Facebook and follow us on Instagram (@onecallforall) both as yourself and as your organization’s page or profile. Once you’ve “Liked” our page, please Share with your personal friends.

2. Post the “Remember Us!” icon/image as the profile photo for your organization. In the description, write something like:
“_____(organization) proudly participates in One Call for All. Look for your Red Envelope soon, and remember us when you give! You can also give online at” (or use your agency’s specific URL)

3. If you’re into this sort of thing, use these hashtags on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram: #bainbridgeisland #1call4all #philanthropy #whatmattersmost

4. Once you’ve made your own personal gift, change your profile photos to the “I Gave!” icon. Share this with board, volunteers, and donors. Be sure to include your organization in the description of the image, as well as

5. Invite us to visit! We’d love to help promote your organization by posting photos and links.

6. Email us if you have events or activities that you’d like us to share.

7. Include your One Call for All yard sign in photos that you post on social media.

8. We were very pleased to offer, with the help of Bainbridge Community Foundation, a Social Media Marketing Training for our partner agencies in 2016. Here are the tools and checklists our presenters developed just for you!

Year-end Tips

Here’s our End of Year Toolkit: 2023 EOY to offer some help in making the most of the campaign’s biggest week, the last week of the calendar year.

Donor Data

Your complete 2023-2024 data is now available on the Partner Portal! If you don’t have your agency’s login and password for the portal, check with your organization’s Primary Contact. If you are unable to find it, email Lisa. Remember that all donors have received a gracious acknowledgement/tax letter from One Call for All, so do not send acknowledgement letters or tax receipts. You may call, email, or send an informal note to thank them, if you’d like. Remember that most donors have given to MANY organizations and do not do not want to be inundated with unwanted spam email.

Resources Shared at Brown Bag Lunches

Here are some resources for Board Development: Board Evaluation 2017, Board Job Description 2017, Board Meetings 101

Here are the resources from Katie Davis’s presentation on Strategic Planning: OCFA Strategic Planning Session 4.13.17 core and least core matrix