Nurse Meg’s Beacon of Joy Endowment Fund
Provide financial assistance to the Medical Unit’s patients’ families who need emergency assistance with food, transportation, temporary housing or other critical needs as determined by Seattle Children’s staff. Our daughter, Meg Reynolds-Gooch, during eight years as a nurse on the Medical Unit, effected calmness, joy, healing among her patients. A long-distance runner, Meg did not allow cancer to define her or how she lived her life. Cancer was an uninvited obstacle presenting hurdles that she literally ran through and flew over with infinite grace, speed, strength. Meg never dipped in zest for life overflowing with adventure, laugher, love. Her colleagues called her the “baby whisperer” for her special gift nursing sick children that left permanent imprints on innumerable lives—patients, familes, co-workers. Nurse Meg’s Beacon of Joy Endowment, annually distributing 4.5% of its value, honors Meg’s words from our last conversation: “I want to be remembered as a beacon of joy.”