Friends of the Farms
Given challenges imposed by climate change, affordable housing for farmers, food security and resilience, equity, and succession planning, Friends of the Farms’ mission encompass the well-being of our entire community. We believe where and how food is grown affects our health, the health of our land, water and atmosphere, and the ability of people to make a living wage so that our community can thrive.
We envision a community-based food system on Bainbridge Island where:
• As much food as possible is grown, produced, processed, sold, and consumed locally
• Nutritious, fresh, local food is accessible and affordable to everyone
• Farms and related businesses are economically profitable for this and the next generation
• Food is grown and produced using environmentally beneficial agriculture
• Money stays on the island all across the supply and distribution chain
• What and how we eat is integrated in our culture … kids know where their food comes from