Stock Gifts

Did you know…

One Call for All can accept gifts of stock and other appreciated assets on behalf of the organizations you choose to support?

Many One Call for All partner agencies have few or no staff and lack the capacity to accept donations online or via a brokerage account. One Call for All is very happy to offer this service free of charge to our nonprofit community.

For donors, giving appreciated stock or mutual fund shares that they’ve held for more than a year has tax benefits. You should consult your financial adviser for details, but in simple terms, if you itemize deductions, you can take a charitable deduction for the stock’s value on the day you give it away, as well as avoid capital gains tax on the increased value.

Of course, the biggest benefit to you is that you can spread out your gift among many of the wonderful organizations that contribute to making our island special, and these organizations do not need to do or pay anything to benefit from your generosity!

Please call (206.842.0659) or email Lisa Timmins, our Interim Executive Director ( for details about how to make a gift of stock. It’s easy!